Xara Photo & Graphic Designer တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္.. ေတာင္းဆိုထားတဲ့ မိတ္ေဆြအတြက္ပါ. ကၽြန္ေတာ္ေတာ့ သံုးနည္း မကၽြမ္းက်င္ပါဘူး.. ဓါတ္ပံုေတြနဲ႔ Graphic ေတြကို အံ့ၾသေလာက္ေအာင္ ဒီဇိုင္းဖန္တီးႏိုင္တယ္လို႔ေရးထားပါတယ္.. Tools ေတြကလည္း စံုလင္ၿပီး Professional တစ္ေယာက္လို ဖန္တီးႏိုင္မွာပါ.
Here are some key features of "Xara Photo & Graphic Designer":
Rapid and non-destructive manipulation photo:
· Photo & Graphic Designer offers photo editing completely non-destructive (meaning you can edit your photo as many times as you want without loss of quality that is normal in other photo programs) and uses a fraction of the RAM required by other products . Can handle multiple images of very high resolution with ease, even in a PC modest.
Integrated tool photo:
· Provides photo enhancement manual and automatic real time (brightness and contrast, sharpen / blur, saturation and temperature) plus scaling and rotation in real time, including 50 megapixel images. Other features include soft clipping, red eye removal, advanced levels of control, perspective correction, deletion and masking tools photo and innovative aware scaling and zooming of the content.
Erase Tools magical photo:
· Magic Photo Erase tool makes it quick and easy to erase unwanted objects seamlessly from your photo completely.
· The Select Color & Erase tool is another powerful tool for photo manipulation. You can delete or make transparent parts of a photo based on a color or edit only selected color areas.
Panoramas photo:
· Perhaps the most easy to use panorama creator. Drop a series of photos on the page, click a button and get a panoramic image coupled to perfection, seamlessly.
Smart Scaling:
· The photo tool includes an intelligent and innovative technology scaling image that allows 'scaled content', which means that images can be stretched or squashed while retaining the proportions of the important parts of the image.
Drawing tools:
· Photo & Graphic Designer is the main tool of many illustrators and includes a powerful set but very easy to use editing tools and drawing vector form and line.
· Tools QuickShape (rectangle, circle, etc..) Allow you to draw predefined shapes very quickly and easily.
Management advanced text:
· The text tool lets you enter as many lines of text as you like, anywhere in your document. And the screen rendering industry leader in Xara makes reading the text on screen, especially in small sizes or rotated.
Rapid and non-destructive manipulation photo:
· Photo & Graphic Designer offers photo editing completely non-destructive (meaning you can edit your photo as many times as you want without loss of quality that is normal in other photo programs) and uses a fraction of the RAM required by other products . Can handle multiple images of very high resolution with ease, even in a PC modest.
Integrated tool photo:
· Provides photo enhancement manual and automatic real time (brightness and contrast, sharpen / blur, saturation and temperature) plus scaling and rotation in real time, including 50 megapixel images. Other features include soft clipping, red eye removal, advanced levels of control, perspective correction, deletion and masking tools photo and innovative aware scaling and zooming of the content.
Erase Tools magical photo:
· Magic Photo Erase tool makes it quick and easy to erase unwanted objects seamlessly from your photo completely.
· The Select Color & Erase tool is another powerful tool for photo manipulation. You can delete or make transparent parts of a photo based on a color or edit only selected color areas.
Panoramas photo:
· Perhaps the most easy to use panorama creator. Drop a series of photos on the page, click a button and get a panoramic image coupled to perfection, seamlessly.
Smart Scaling:
· The photo tool includes an intelligent and innovative technology scaling image that allows 'scaled content', which means that images can be stretched or squashed while retaining the proportions of the important parts of the image.
Drawing tools:
· Photo & Graphic Designer is the main tool of many illustrators and includes a powerful set but very easy to use editing tools and drawing vector form and line.
· Tools QuickShape (rectangle, circle, etc..) Allow you to draw predefined shapes very quickly and easily.
Management advanced text:
· The text tool lets you enter as many lines of text as you like, anywhere in your document. And the screen rendering industry leader in Xara makes reading the text on screen, especially in small sizes or rotated.
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